Texas LPC CEs Earned

By completing this bundle, you'll earn the following:

  • 12 Cumulative Continuing Education (CE) hours towards your Texas LPC Renewal

  • 6 hours towards your Texas LPC Supervisor Refresher requirement

  • 6 hours of Ethics

  • 6 hours of Cultural Diversity / Compentency

What's Included in the bundle?

2 Courses and 12 hours of CEs!

One of the biggest challenges is finding an approved course that meets the specific criteria outlined by the Texas LPC Board. If you're an LPC Supervisor in Texas, this bundle allows you to check off all three continuing education requirements (Supervisor hours, Ethics hours, and Cultural Diversity hours) towards your Texas LPC renewal!! Even better, by purchasing these two courses at the same time, you receive $30 off the total purchase compared to buying them separately!