Maintain detailed records of supervisory sessions and required information with ease
Stay compliant with Texas LPC Supervisor requirements by using my comprehensive template
Simplify your supervision process and save time on documentation tasks
Effortless LPC Supervision Documentation
My Notion Template is designed to help LPC Supervisors in Texas easily manage and store all required LPC Supervision documentation in one convenient place. From supervisory session records to fee payments and remediation plans, we've got you covered. Say goodbye to paperwork hassles and hello to efficient electronic documentation!
What's in the Template?
Fulfills all requirements of RULE §681.93 (Supervisor Requirements)
(a) A supervisor must keep a written record of each supervisory session in the file for the LPC Associate. (1) The supervisory written record must contain: (A) a signed and dated copy of the Council's supervisory agreement form for each of the LPC Associate's supervisors; (B) a copy of the LPC Associate's online license verification noting the dates of issuance and expiration; (C) fees and record of payment; (D) the date of each supervisory session; (E) a record of an LPC Associate's leave of one month or more, documenting the supervisor's approval and signed by both the LPC Associate and the supervisor; (F) a record of any concerns the supervisor discussed with the LPC Associate, including a written remediation plan as prescribed in subsection (e) of this section; and (G) a record of acknowledgement that the supervisee is self-employed, if applicable.
100% Paper-Free!
Everything is documented right into the Notion Template so that you can maintain your records electronically. You can even upload the required documents such as the supervisory agreement, and online verification plan so everything is stored in one place!
Access from Anywhere!
No need to carry around folders. You can access the templates from any computer or smart device.
Meet Your LPC Supervision Ally: Matt Bierds, LPC-S, LSOTP-S
As an LPC Supervisor myself, I understand the challenges of maintaining accurate supervision documentation. That's why I created this Notion Template to simplify your workflow and ensure compliance. Let's revolutionize how you handle LPC supervision together!
Unlock Your Notion Template Now
Take the first step towards effortless LPC supervision documentation. Download our template and streamline your supervision process today!